On October 1, 2024 the
Trademark was issued for
Volunteeratoldism from the
U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
to Scott Platsky. Not only
did I CREATE a new WORD I
have been awarded the Trademark
for that word - WOW!!!
Communities thrive by
Participation; no wonder it is one of
Burning Man’s Ten Principles. Your own share
of the entirety of the workload as a camp
member may come as a Lead, Volunteer or
being Voluntold to any specific task. Having
a vested interest in the success of said
community creates pride & satisfaction.
Due to factors that are irrelevant to this
consciousness of thought several of our long
time leads (Kitchen Management, Garbage,
LNT, Ice) have either stepped away from
Burning Man and or their role as a lead. We
are now @ a cross-roads to forge a new
direction as we celebrate 25yrs in BRC.
Forward-looking thinking requires bold moves
– it requires creating a unique word
“Volunteeratoldism”™ and design a
new paradigm. This new model will ensure
that each day’s tasks are being attended to
and everyone shares in the over-all effort
it takes to create & maintain a community as
large and as diverse as ours all week long.
Adding an “ism” to a word
indicates that the word represents a
specific practice, system, or philosophy.
That is exactly what we are creating a new
way that the camp as a whole will be managed
and operated.
During the registration process you were
told that you would be randomly assigned a
task; with several campers for each task/day
the idea is that this new model will allow
all the things each day get done – with many
hands makes light work.
The randomly assigned tasks will center
around Managing the Kitchen/Meal, Daily Ice
Run, Managing and distribution of garbage,
Leave No Trace. The schedule & detailed
instructions will be printed on large poster
If you as an individual camper do your part
on your assigned task/shift with other
campers on your assigned task/shift, then
all things will get done each day! Our
success as a camp this year & moving forward
is in the hands of all of you.