Camper Bios - 2022


OwlOwl (Holger)

Germany Regional Contact (1/5)
Age 53 – married with children (but not selling shoes)

Berlin, Germany, and BRC

Been to Burning Man before:
2008, 2009 (first year with PP), 2010,2012,2014, 2016, 2017
Camped with? When?
2008 Green Tortoise
2009 PP
2010 PP
2012 PP
2014 Gallavant – Pirates of the Playa
2016 Kidsville
2017 PP

Volunteer on the Playa:
Tried several roles in the past Burns: temple guardian, greeter, lamp lighter, talker at Pavilion Everywhere. This year with the Burner Express Bus (my ride, too), and PP Human Carcass Wash.

Why Burning Man?
To always refresh the awe in my life. The only place I dreamed several dozen times that I’m still there (or just going). The one thing in my life which took over everything besides family, and family is also taken over by it 😊
I learned here that community is always around me, and is strengthening me. I also found out that my current purpose in life is to create places and situations where people can have unknown experiences.

Toughest thing:
Don’t get drunk and stoned on your last night when you still have to pack everything to catch your bus …

Best thing:
The discovery of the Human Carcass Wash, and bringing it to all regional Burns in Europe which I attend.

Burning man advice:
Every year teaches you something about yourself. Find out what, and learn from it for the next Burn.