Camper Bios - 2022


Miss Bunny

Margot – Miss Bunny/Ranger Cotton Tail

Where do you call home?
Sacramento, CA, and BRC

Been to Burning Man before? When?
Yes! (2006-2008, 2010, 2013-19)

Camped with PolyParadise Before?
Yes! (2010, 2013-2019)

Why Burning Man? – Why not? It’s my Home away from home…and it’s been three long years since we’ve all been Home.

Volunteer on the Playa? – I became a Black Rock Ranger in 2018, and served several years as a Temple Guardian. Volunteering on-playa is important to me…giving back is in my nature. Our city wouldn’t be what it is without volunteers.

PolyParadise Favorite Moments – Reuniting with PP buddies again and catching up after months, a year or more, watching our Village grow as more Burners arrive, and sharing cooking experiences in our amazing kitchen.

Toughest thing: Let’s face it: the playa can be cruel with weather, other Burner bad vibes or the ever-present Law Enforcement

Best things: It’s a toss-up between seeing all my Poly Paradise family again and serving as a BRC Ranger.

Burning Man Advice: Welcome everyone with your heart. May your heart be so opened, so set on fire, that your love changes everything. You will never be the same.