Camper Bios - 2015


Miz Adventure

Miz AdventureI have been involved in action for the improvement of people's lives all my life. In the 60's, I marched in Washington and New York for Peace, Racial Equality and Women's Rights. In the 70's, I started a hot line for people who were raped or abused.

I trained people to staff the hot line. Later I was the director of a safe house for women who were the victims of domestic violence. In between all this I married, raised two children, had a rabbitry, vegetable garden and bee farm and acquired several college degrees. My last career, from which I retired, was that of a software engineer.

I am now involved in The Body Sacred and The Human Awareness Institute, two organizations that teach people about self examination and communication. In 2013 I began going to Burning Man and Saguaro Man. Burning Man was on my life to do list. I wasn't disappointed. My experience in 2013 was so amazing, it will be a life long memory.

In 2015, I was 1/2 of the LNT crew for Saguaro Man.

I hope to get more involved as the years progress.

Miz Adventure