Camper Bios - 2014


JenyBe/ Alpha Ranger Tryit!

Where do you call home?
Seattle Washington in my amazing Burning community.

Been to Burning Man before? When?
(2006 - 2011)

Camped with PolyParadise Before?
(2009 - 2011)

Why Burning Man? – It's just a week in the desert, man.

Volunteer on the Playa? –Ranger Alpha!

PolyParadise Favorite Moments – Doing naked yoga in the middle of the social area, while psychotic. I am serious. Showers with friends, turkey dinners, and Carcass wash is beautiful to do. Hanging out with my peeps in the Social area.

Toughest thing: I agree with wildchild : "coming home and trying to explain this to anyone who hasn't experience it"

Best thing: when you get to meet first time soul mates and best friends on the playa!

Burning Man advice: this is a do ocracy, and I believe that you can try it out and see how it goes!