Camper Bios - 2013


Saundra WolfeSaundra Wolfe
I live in an intentional community in Berkeley, CA.

Previous Burns:
2010 Was my first Burning Man. Was camping with some friends, almost drowned in playa dust. Became one with the dust. 2012 Camped with Saints and Sinners. Met my partner Josiah. Had an amazing time.

Really excited about being part of PolyParadise this year.

I swore after last year I'd never miss another burn. There is nothing quite like it. It has always been a life changing experience for me.
I'll be camping with Josiah and Halla.

I'm deep green when not covered in playa dust. I have studied and taught permaculture. My background is in psychology and I am gearing up to teach ecoresilience and explore what motivates people to be more aware of the environment and to make the changes that are necessary for human survival.

I love dancing (ballroom, tango, blues and ecstatic). I love any activity that lets me be outdoors and moving: hiking, biking, kayaking, tree climbing, etc.
Indoors, I like to explore tantric sex practices. (ok, I like that outdoors too). It is vital to me to always be growing towards greater freedom and authenticity.