Camper Bios - 2013



Why Burning Man? Ever wake up from a dream that was so amazing, spectacular and beyond your normal reality and wish that you could go back to sleep and play in that magic realm a little longer? Enter Burning Man.

Where do I call home?
Vancouver, Canada

Why PolyParadise?
This will be my first year camping with PolyParadise and I must say I'm excited! I'm not exaggerating when I say my whole life has changed since my first year at Burning Man in 2012. I visited 2 PolyParadise events last year and I feel that they both played a significant role in forging/finding my new life path, for which I am immensely grateful. If I can give back and help anyone with their poly journey I will be overjoyed.

Best burning man advise I got: (No it was not about vacuum bagging food or sunscreen lip chap) It was to set your intention before you go. Such a simple thing is easy to overlook when going thought your extensive packing and to-do list but I personally think it is the most important step.