Camper Bios - 2012


TarzanaName: Tarzana

Where do you call home?
Quincy, MA

Been to BM? 07, 08, 09, 11

Camped with PolyParadise?
09 and 11

Why Burning Man? It's a place where people are most free to be who they are...Burning Man is like being part of a living canvas where you create and ingest your own personal masterpiece.

Who am I? Sister, Friend, Worker, Artist, Caretaker, Loved, Happy, Tired, Curious...sometimes fabulous, sometimes bitchy, sometimes fabulously bitchy. I'm currently undergoing a lot of reevaluation as I enter (what is in a perfect world) my third quarter. This years Burning Man is part of my halftime show...hopefully it will be grand!

Toughest thing? Overcoming bad you mean at BM? Dealing with the heat :^)

Best thing? The feeling of family at PolyParadise.

Burning Man advice? Read the survival guide...know yourself and your limitations...have no expectations and keep your mind open.